Sunday, August 21, 2022


Ariphron Pæan to Health (tr. J. M. Edmonds, Lyra Græca, vol. III., Loeb, 1927, pp. 401-2):

Health (Ὑγίεια), eldest of Gods, with thee may I dwell for the rest of my life and find thee a gracious house-mate. If there be any joy in wealth, or in children, or in that kingly rule that maketh men like to Gods, or in the desires we hunt with the secret nets of Aphroditè, or if there be any other delight or diversion sent of Heaven unto man, 'tis with thy aid, blessed Health, that they all do thrive and shine in the converse of the Graces; and without thee no man alive is happy.

May Health be evermore the eternal and faithful companion of those whom we love in life, and without whom life would be an endless night of woe and despair! 

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