George Wither, A Collection of Emblems, Ancient and Modern, Illvstr. XIX., Bk. 1:
Experience proves, that Men who trust uponTheir Nat'rall parts, too much, oft lose the Day,And, faile in that which els they might have done,By vainely trifling pretious Time away.It also shewes, that many Men have soughtWith so much Rashnesse, those things they desir'd,That they have brought most likely Hopes to nought;And, in the middle of their Courses, tir'd.And, not a few, are found who so much wrongGods Gratiousnesse, as if their thinkings were,That (seeing he deferres his Iudgements long)His Vengeance, he, for ever, would forbeare:But, such as these may see wherein they faile,And, what would fitter be for them to doe,If they would contemplate the slow-pac'd Snaile;Or, this our Hieroglyphicke looke into:For, thence we learne, that Perseverance bringsLarge Workes to end, though slowly they creepe on;And, that Continuance perfects many things,Which seeme, at first, unlikely to be done.It warnes, likewise, that some Affaires requireMore Heed then Haste: And that the Course we take,Should suite as well our Strength, as our Desire;Else (as our Proverbe saith) Haste, Waste may make.And, in a Mysticke-sense, it seemes to preachRepentance and Amendment, unto thoseWho live, as if they liv'd beyond Gods reach;Because, he long deferres deserved Blowes:For, though Iust-Vengeance moveth like a Snaile,And slowly comes; her comming will not faile.
The emblem is originally by Gabriel Rollenhagen (1583-1619), whose emblem books are gems to forever cherish.
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