Monday, May 1, 2023

Between Miserable Egotism And Love

Friedrich Schiller, Philosophical Letters, letter IV., Theosophy of Julius, Love and Sacrifice sections (unknown translator. George Bell and Sons: London, 1875, pp. 386-89):

        Was it not this almighty instinct
        That forced our hearts to meet
        In the eternal bond of love?
        Raphael! enraptured, resting on your arm,
        I venture, joyful, the march towards perfection,
        That leadeth to the spiritual sun.

        Happy! happy! I have found thee,
        Have secured thee 'midst millions,
        And of all this multitude thou art mine!
        Let the wild chaos return;
        Let it cast adrift the atoms!
        Forever our hearts fly to meet each other.

        Must I not draw reflections of my ecstasy
        From thy radiant, ardent eyes?
        In thee alone do I wonder at myself.
        The earth in brighter tints appears,
        Heaven itself shines in more glowing light,
        Seen through the soul and action of my friend.

        Sorrow drops the load of tears;
        Soothed, it rests from passion's storms,
        Nursed upon the breast of love.
        Nay, delight grows torment, and seeks
        My Raphael, basking in thy soul,
        Sweetest sepulchre! impatiently.

        If I alone stood in the great All of things,
        Dreamed I of souls in the very rocks,
        And, embracing, I would have kissed them.
        I would have sighed my complaints into the air;
        The chasms would have answered me.
        O fool! sweet sympathy was every joy to me.

Love does not exist between monotonous souls, giving out the same tone; it is found between harmonious souls. With pleasure I find again my feelings in the mirror of yours, but with more ardent longing I devour the higher emotions that are wanting in me. Friendship and love are led by one common rule. The gentle Desdemona loves Othello for the dangers through which he has passed; the manly Othello loves her for the tears that she shed hearing of his troubles. [...]

I fear that the philosophy of our time contradicts this doctrine. Many of our thinking brains have undertaken to drive out by mockery this heavenly instinct from the human soul, to efface the effigy of Deity in the soul, and to dissolve this energy, this noble enthusiasm, in the cold, killing breath of a pusillanimous indifference. Under the slavish influence of their own unworthiness they have entered into terms with self-interest, the dangerous foe of benevolence; they have done this to explain a phenomenon which was too godlike for their narrow hearts. They have spun their comfortless doctrine out of a miserable egotism, and they have made their own limits the measure of the Creator; degenerate slaves decrying freedom amidst the rattle of their own chains. Swift, who exaggerated the follies of men till he covered the whole race with infamy, and wrote at length his own name on the gallows which he had erected for it—even Swift could not inflict such deadly wounds on human nature as these dangerous thinkers, who, laying great claim to penetration, adorn their system with all the specious appearance of art, and strengthen it with all the arguments of self-interest.

I admit freely that I believe in the existence of a disinterested love. I am lost if I do not exist; I give up the Deity, immortality, and virtue. I have no remaining proof of these hopes if I cease to believe in love. A spirit that loves itself alone is an atom giving out a spark in the immeasurable waste of space.


I grant it is ennobling to the human soul to sacrifice present enjoyment for a future eternal good; it is the noblest degree of egotism; but egotism and love separate humanity into two very unlike races, whose limits are never confounded.

Egotism erects its centre in itself; love places it out of itself in the axis of the universal whole. Love aims at unity, egotism at solitude. Love is the citizen ruler of a flourishing republic, egotism is a despot in a devastated creation. Egotism sows for gratitude, love for the ungrateful. Love gives, egotism lends; and love does this before the throne of judicial truth, indifferent if for the enjoyment of the following moment, or with the view to a martyr's crown—indifferent whether the reward is in this life or in the next.

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