Sunday, May 26, 2024

Realms Of Peace And Love

From Georg Friedrich Händel's Jephtha, verses (libretto) by Rev. Thomas Morell:

        In gentle murmurs will I mourn,
        as mourns the mate‐forsaken dove:
        And sighing wish thy dear return
        to liberty and lasting love. [...]

        the sight of thee, my love,
        drives darkness and despair.
        Again I live; in thy sweet smiles I live,
        as in thy father’s ever‐watchful care
        our wretched nation feels new life, new joy.
        O haste, and make my happiness complete! [...]

        Dull delay, in piercing anguish,
        bids thy faithful lover languish.
        While he pants for bliss in vain.
        Oh! With gentle smiles relieve me;
        let no more false hope deceive me,
        nor vain fears inflict a pain. [...]

        How dark, O Lord, are thy decrees!
        All hid from mortal sight!
        All our joys to sorrow turning,
        and our triumphs into mourning,
        as the night succeeds the day;
        no certain bliss, no solid peace,
        we mortals know on earth below.
        Yet on this maxim still obey:
        whatever is, is right.

        Farewell, ye limpid springs and floods,
        ye flow'ry meads and leafy woods;
        farewell, thou busy world, where reign
        short hours or joy, and years of pain.
        Brighter scenes I seek above,
        in the realms of peace and love.

1 comment:



The Certainty Of Being Alone

Hippolyte Taine, A Tour Through the Pyrenees , tr. J. Safford Fiske (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1875), 149-51: This valley is solitar...