Thursday, January 26, 2023

Wisdom And The Prime Of Life

Philo Alexandrinus, Every Good Man Is Free (Quod Omnis Probus Liber Sit), In: vol. IX. of Philo's works, (Loeb Classical Library, 1985), tr. F. H. Colson,  II, 13-15, pp. 17-19:

But since we have it on the sacred authority of Plato [Phædrus, 247A] that envy has no place in the divine choir, and wisdom is most divine and most free-handed, she never closes her school of thought but always opens her doors to those who thirst for the sweet water of discourse, and pouring on them an unstinted stream of undiluted doctrine, persuades them to be drunken with the drunkenness which is soberness itself. Then when like initiates in the mysteries they have taken their fill of the revelations, they reproach themselves greatly for their former neglect and feel that they have wasted their time and that their life while they lacked wisdom was not worth the living. It is well then that the young, all of them and everywhere, should dedicate the first fruits of the flower of their prime above all else to culture, wherein it is good for both youth and old age to dwell. . . .

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